Semans-Griswold Environmental 大厅 was built to achieve 生活建筑挑战
认证. 生活建筑挑战 is a sustainable development model that is
比LEED认证高一步. Not only does this certification require that we
use sustainable building materials 和 thoughtful decision making around the natural
environment, but it also requires that the building produces 至少 它将使用的能量的105%. This will be achieved through a str和 of solar
panels that will be stationed on the roof of the building, along with geothermal wells
that are installed underneath the building. 生活建筑挑战 also requires
a focus on the health 和 happiness of the building tenants, along with a focus on
art 和 accessibility to the community.
- Wet Lab 和 River Flow-Through System – The wet lab hosts a river flow-through system,
which pumps water from the Chester River directly into 和 out of the lab. 这允许
our students to study different aspects of the Chester River in a controlled environment
using water directly from the river.
- Watershed Innovation Lab – The Watershed Innovation lab serves as the home to 消费电子产品展’s
Chester River Watershed Observatory. Here, students have the opportunity to work on
buoys that monitor the river’s water quality, side-scan sonar, build AquaBotz 和
- Environmental 和 Biology Lab – The third lab serves as a laboratory learning space for some Environmental 和 Biology courses at 九州娱乐官网.
The classroom at SGEH is used for multiple Environmental 和 Biology courses, along with serving as the on-campus classroom for 消费电子产品展’s Chesapeake Semester.
环境中心 & 社会的总部
SGEH是新家园 环境中心 & 社会 at 九州娱乐官网, one of three Signature Centers that focus on providing undergraduate students with graduate-level experiences outside of the classroom.
Creating habitat includes ensuring that nearby buildings are safe for the birds that 消费电子产品展希望能有所帮助. At Semans-Griswold Environmental 大厅, nearby native meadows 和 hedgerows provide excellent habitat for birds 和 pollinators. 我们正在这个过程中 of installing Feather Friendly window treatments to help prevent bird strikes to make this living building a sanctuary for all. Feather Friendly has developed a window deterrent system that both helps birds to identify the window as an obstacle 和 preserve 视图.缪斯:社区博物馆
Hosted by the 环境与社会研究中心, this public space in downtown Chestertown exhibits collaborations between students, faculty, staff, 和 the wider community. MuSE hosts rotating exhibits that highlight 九州娱乐官网 teaching, experiential 学习和研究. Each exhibit will be informational, interactive, 和 highly visual, creating a dynamic community space for learning 和 sharing on the Eastern 海岸.
MuSE is currently open on First Fridays from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Saturdays from 9:00
am to 12:00 pm, 和 by request for groups.
欲了解更多信息,请访问此 页面.
Thank you for your interest in reserving space in the Semans-Griswold Environmental 大厅. In order to reserve space in Semans-Griswold Environmental 大厅, or with questions regarding the building, please contact % 20会议服务 at 410-778-7253.
它长46英尺, Callinectes is fully equipped with an array of the latest electronics 和 environmental instrumentation including trawls, sonar, acoustic seabed classification systems, magnetometers 和 positioning systems used in mapping 和 evaluating geological features of the Bay 还有它的潮水. On the Chester River, sampling gear is used to collect water 和 sediment samples that are analyzed to measure nutrients, dissolved oxygen, algal abundance, toxic contaminants 和 other factors that tell us about the ecological health of the 地区.
2013年4月,消费电子产品展被收购 月鲹 from NOAA with the intent to provide additional research opportunities for Washington 大学生. 月鲹, created for the Coast Guard, will be primarily used for mapping the river with sonar, but will also be available for special trips for water sampling 和 testing.
月鲹 远远小于 Callinectes这对她很有利. She will be able to access shallower areas of the Chester 和 coastal areas that are inaccessible to Callinectes.
这两艘科考船 Callinectes 和 月鲹, can be reserved for your classes or department usage.